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Vision Builder 2013 Runtime: Inspection Selection

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In VBAI2013 I'd like to insert a select inspection step in the select inspection state which applies to the system on which Vision Builder is installed and not to individual inspections. So how to do in the Runtime-Licence-Version where adding steps is not possible?


Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 5

Hello ems174,


have you seen this entry

Using Select Inspection in Vision Builder for Automated Inspection (VBAI)

Running different inspections should be possible for edditing the steps you need the development enviroment.

best regards
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Message 2 of 5

Hello Alexander,


thanks for your help. I know the restrictions of the Run-Time License, editing steps is possible but not adding. So in normal case I take my development enviroment, add a step and copy the vbai-File to the PC with the Run-Time License. But this doesn't work with the inspection selection step, because the inspection selection state it is not stored in the vbai-File. I have to do it in the vision builder environment. But in case of the target PC I have a Run-Time License where adding steps is locked. This means no chance to use the inspection selection function in the Run-Time-Version.


A workaround is to install both the development environment and the Run-Time, set up the inspection selection state and deactivate the development license. I think not the method intended by National.


Best regards.

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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author ems174

The steps for the Product Select state are saved in the "Vision Builder System Config.ini" in the VBAI folder. You should be able to copy this file to the machine with the Run Time version and if it has the same version of VBAI, it should be able to apply all steps and settings from the INI.


Hope that helps,


Message 4 of 5

Hi Brad,


thanks for your help, copying the ini-file helps. I have to change some settings in the run-time which are different to the development version, but it's ok. The selection step appears as requested.


Best regards.

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Message 5 of 5