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Vision system with Labview, KUKA Robot, capture Image


It sounds like your problem is that you don't have a vi that can reognise whatever you are trying to detect.  You will need to write this yourself.  I'm afraid there is no magic solution that will solve your specific problem.  There are lots of vi's such as 'IMAQ Count Objects' and 'IMAQ Find Circular Edge' that you can use.  the rest is jsut analysing the numbers really but you need a reasonable knowledge of labview.  How much experience of labview have you got? 

In order to get your vision system up and running I would start off with something easy to detect  like a dark block on a light background.  You may have to look through some tutorials to get an idea of how to do it.  If you want to find 3 dimensions it will be difficult as I think you will need to use 2 cameras or move the camera between 2 different locations.  I expect you will know the z co-ordinate already.  Is the object on a conveyor or table / floor?  If so, the z co-ordinate will obviously be constant.  I would work with 2 dimensions and maybe add a third if you have time.

If you send some images of the object you want to use to find the co-ordinates I may be able to give you an idea of how to get them.  My example is of a laser spot, so it is easy for the labview software to find the centre of it as it contrasts well with the background.  You need to make sure you get as much contrast as possible between the object and the background.  Make sure the object is in good focus as blurred edges will make things harder.

Hope this helps.


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Message 11 of 14

you can use Vision Assistant it will take you step by step to write your VI.

in French: vous devez utiliser Vision assistant, il vous guidera pas a pas en ( j ai meme une VI qui lit les images a partir d une Webcam je peux vous le donner) en suite vous devez utiliser le Pattern Matching pour reconnaitre le truc que vous devez detecter sur la photo, puis ecrir une VI pour la liaison serie et communiquer avec KUKA.

pour plus d information voici mon email


je fais presque le meme projet avec KUKA et je suis un peux en avance sur vous.


bon courage

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 14



I am a student and work on the same project (Vision-labview-kuka). we have a kuka robot ( R650 - 6 axis) and the NI-Smart-Camera-1742. Our problem is we do not know how to sent signal to the kuka's controller. we know the communicate way is using the internet cable but we are not success on it. Did labview can connect with Kuka's controller or we need some module/device.   some one worked on it, please tell us. My email is .Thanks!

@cybername wrote:
I am student and working on  the same Project in ermany and I want to take a contact with you, I am speaking french my Email is


0 Kudos
Message 13 of 14

I am working on similar project and hopefully you finished that.

Can you send me the vi files, I would be greatful

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 14