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c code image processing

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Dear LabVIEW Experts,


Say I have some C code that takes a pixel array and does some manipulation and spits it back out. I want to capture an image and extract the array via LabVIEW, manipulate the array in C, and then get the new array back into LabVIEW. I understand LabVIEW has VIs for the imagetoarray / arraytoimage, but is there a simple way to integrate the C code? <--- If yes, can you explain it?


I'm using Labview 2011 SP1 and I have the Vision Acquisition software.



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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author ledsrcool

I would build a DLL and in LabVUEW use a Call Libarary Node to call that function.
Search on how to build an call DLLs.

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Message 2 of 3

@ledsrcool wrote:

 is there a simple way to integrate the C code? <--- If yes, can you explain it?


Read help:


IMAQ GetImagePixelPtr Example



Message 3 of 3