03-17-2010 05:14 AM
Dear Emil!
Thank you very much again!
06-07-2010 04:52 AM
Dear Emil!
Last time you could give me very useful infos about "How to call Template Editor", now, I am interesting in how to call
- Classification Training
- OCR Training
Or, could you help me, how to find out the command line arguments for calling these items?
Thank you very much
06-09-2010 10:04 AM
Hi Durnek,
Sorry for not replying for a while, I was looking in all the available resources to find arguments to Training executables, but no success.
I have found this post that strengthens my belief:
I have spoken with the Hungarian colleagues, and I have heard you are in contact with them, surely you will be able to find a workaround or an application architecture that will overcome the need to actually call OCR/Classification Training as a standalone application.
Best regards,
06-09-2010 11:47 AM
Dear Emil!
Thanks for your help again!!!!!!
It is so good that if I have any question about LV , they are always be answered! 🙂
Bye - bye !
07-29-2014 08:33 AM
Hi there!
I am interested, have you managed to reach a solution? I am facing the same problems, and I was wondering if you had figured out something on this issue.
Thanks in advance,
12-11-2016 09:59 PM
e2m0i0l7 已写:
Hi Durnek,
As far as I understand, you want to develop an application in LV which does Pattern Matching.
For this, you need a Template which you define in Template Editor.
In delopyed applications, the templates are predefined, in which case Template Editor is a great tool, but does not need to be called with every run.
Still, We have encountered similar requests, and we also have a product suggestion to embedd Template Editor in LV, just like VA.
We are hoping this feature will be available in the future.
Until then here are some parameters that could be called 🙂
/new:path -pm -gpm -gpm2 -d
launches the editor and opens the image located at the specified path.The parameters -pm -gpm -gpm2 and -d are optional and allow to create a template of type pattern matching, geometric matching (legacy), new geometric matching and defect inspection respectively.
You can combine those parameters to create a template of the desired type. Only the specified tabs will be enabled. If you don't specify any optional parameters, all tabs are available.
edits the template located at the specified path.This is the responsibility of the user to save the template manually within the interface, since the training interface is called by command line and there is no way for the calling application to know if the user OKs or cancels the editor.
One important point regarding calling the template using a command line: if the path contains a space, you need to use quotes, so that the exec knows that this is only one parameter.
For instance:"Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new:D:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d
Please reply if this fits your application needs
Best regards,
I used system execute vi-
"Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d
I don't understand,Can you give me an example?
12-11-2016 10:04 PM
Can you give me an example?
12-12-2016 02:21 AM
gbf 已写:
e2m0i0l7 已写:
Hi Durnek,
As far as I understand, you want to develop an application in LV which does Pattern Matching.
For this, you need a Template which you define in Template Editor.
In delopyed applications, the templates are predefined, in which case Template Editor is a great tool, but does not need to be called with every run.
Still, We have encountered similar requests, and we also have a product suggestion to embedd Template Editor in LV, just like VA.
We are hoping this feature will be available in the future.
Until then here are some parameters that could be called 🙂
/new:path -pm -gpm -gpm2 -d
launches the editor and opens the image located at the specified path.The parameters -pm -gpm -gpm2 and -d are optional and allow to create a template of type pattern matching, geometric matching (legacy), new geometric matching and defect inspection respectively.
You can combine those parameters to create a template of the desired type. Only the specified tabs will be enabled. If you don't specify any optional parameters, all tabs are available.
edits the template located at the specified path.This is the responsibility of the user to save the template manually within the interface, since the training interface is called by command line and there is no way for the calling application to know if the user OKs or cancels the editor.
One important point regarding calling the template using a command line: if the path contains a space, you need to use quotes, so that the exec knows that this is only one parameter.
For instance:"Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new:D:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d
Please reply if this fits your application needs
Best regards,
I used system execute vi-
"Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new
:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d
I don't understand,Can you give me an example?
12-16-2016 09:16 PM
I thought I have solved my problem. thanks!
12-21-2016 03:43 AM
Can you show me an example,i have a trouble with the path
For instance:
"Path to template Editor\NI Vision Template Editor.exe" "/new:\Images\8 bit\image.tif" -pm -gpm -d