09-22-2016 09:34 PM
Hatef.fouladi 已写:sppose you have two point with distance of 1 cm
you find out that this two point distance is 3 pixcel in image
so if you check bellow image you have this
x step 1
y stem 0,98
unit :cm
hello sir:
thank you, i understand "x step" and "Y step".
10-30-2016 08:28 PM
10-31-2016 01:02 AM
10-31-2016 08:54 PM
hello master: would you like to give me a reference or example? i had check the internet and got some information. i knew the key point is the transformation between vision coordinate and robot coordinate. the key point is transformation.. thank you very much in advance.~
Hatef.fouladi 已写:
for this the easy way is that
after calibration regard 4 point in four corner of your image and also one point in center of image and steer your robot one step in y and one step in x in that points and calculate displacement of your robot in x and y axes in this case you will know what is relation between your robot moving step in x and y and and area of the environment that each pixel cover from outside
for example if you move robot one step but you find that this movement is two pixel in image so you can not order you robot to move same as one
11-01-2016 02:02 AM
11-01-2016 02:53 AM
11-02-2016 03:56 AM
Hatef.fouladi 已写:
but as trick I always use for such project
after calibration I found ratio of robot step vs pixel step and then re sample image size to reach 1 ratio between robot and pixel
in this case for any pixel size you can steer your robot easly
hello master:
ratio=robot step VS pixel step ? or
ratio=robto step VS realworld step?
11-02-2016 05:25 AM
ratio here is means robot step VS pixel step
but because in calibration you found ratio between image pixel and realworld
so at the end you will be have robot step vs real world
based on image processing
I hope I could explain it well enough to understand
11-02-2016 05:31 AM
ratio here is means robot step VS pixel step
but because in calibration you found ratio between image pixel and realworld
so at the end you will be have robot step vs real world
based on image processing
I hope I could explain it well enough to understand
11-04-2016 02:47 AM
hello master: i get the image coordinate and robot coordinate. and calculate the ratio between .i seem that hard to get the relationship between them. would you like to give me any suggestion?
Hatef.fouladi 已写:ratio here is means robot step VS pixel step
but because in calibration you found ratio between image pixel and realworldso at the end you will be have robot step vs real world
based on image processing
I hope I could explain it well enough to understand