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imaqdx gencam

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Another possibility is you need to have jumbo frames enabled on your network card. Go to the settings for your card and set the jumbo packet size to the largest allowable (usually 9k+) and then go into MAX and make sure your packet size is smaller than the max packet size for the card (packet size is listed under camera attributes).
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Message 11 of 13

While looking at your camera in MAX:


Select "Camera Attributes" tab at the bottom of the window.


Click on "View Options" at top of list of attributes.  Select "All Attributes".


Expand the different categories until you find Max Bandwidth (or something like it - don't remember exact name).  Probably under ethernet properties or camera properties.  I don't have a GigE camera right now so I can't locate it.



Bruce Ammons
Ammons Engineering
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Message 12 of 13

Hi Bruce

thank for your help i see the optin BandwithCOntrol with 2 controls the first one is read-only and the seconde (Desired Peak Bandwidth) the defualt value is 1000 i cnaheit many values for 4 cameras (740 , 600 , 500 , 100 ), but dont see any change of noise on my images, but when i set this control to defualt value (1000) i see a change on grab image i have a noise for 5 second but with large interveles ( 20 secondes) before i had a continues noise.

i dond andrestand why?






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Message 13 of 13