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labview webcam video acquistion

I have a Logitech QuickCam Ultra vision webcam which supports Direct Show. I have installed the lastest version of the Vision Acquisition Software 30 day trial, IMAQ, and webcam USB drivers. The Vision Acquistion express VI is able to communicate with the webcam and display real-time video; however, only with limited combinations of resolution and frame rate. My application requires the VI to collect video for 20 sec at 30 fps and about 640x480 resolution and save to disk. Are the frame rate and resolution limited by the webcam, usb connection, labview, etc? The provided Logitech software is capable of displaying and saving video data at resolutions up to 960x720 while maintaining 30fps. How can I set the resolution and fps without using the express VI in order to have more control over the video acquisition? Also I would like to avoid saving to .avi due to the large file size.
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

Hi tmera,


It sounds like you have everything installed properly.  Do you have any other settings available in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) or is this where you are seeing the resolution and frame rate?


Doesn't seem like the usb connection would be the limiting factor if you can acquire from the Logitech driver at the higher resolution and faster rate.


Kristen H.

Message 2 of 16

A couple more things.  The express VI uses the lower level VIs in the background, so you would not achieve more control by using the lower level VIs with respect to frame rate and resolution. 


Our IMAQdx driver uses the DirectShow API to interface with USB cameras.  You can use Microsoft's AMCap to see what attributes (including frame rate and resolution) are exposed through DirectShow.  


The frame rate and resolution is going to be limited by the camera's abilities and what is exposed through DirectShow.  


I hope this helps!


Kristen H.

Message 3 of 16

NI Vision Module is designed to help develop and deploy machine vision applications . Includes hundreds of functions to acquire, process images , location of features, identify objects and measure parts.

The Vision Development Module ( VDM ) presents image processing functions for LabVIEW , C / C , Visual Basic, and . NET . VDM functions are used for image processing some of them are : pattern matching, particle analysis , edge detection , threshold , histograms and optical character recognition . Furthermore, VDM includes Vision Assistant and code generation tool similar to VBAI . Vision Assistant is a useful tool to develop and test a series of image processing steps and code generation .
Vision Builder for Automated Inspection ( VBAI ) is a standalone development environment that requires no programming . VBAI includes over 100 of the most used VDM tools , including : pattern matching , OCR , and particle analysis . VBAI can run programs on remote destinations , and also has the ability to configure the remote targets .
Vision Acquisition Software ( VAS ) is a set of drivers and utilities functions to acquire, display and save images from any camera NI GigE Vision camera , or IEEE 1394 (Firewire ) and USB . VAS is included in both VDM and VBAI .
You can perform image acquisition only drivers from VAS , but for any treatment or handling or VDM VBAI you need , plus VAS . You can download the evaluation software from the following links :


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

any news on this one? I have the same issues with DMK 23U618. IMAQdx in MAX and hence labview restricts the possible settings of fps.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

understand that VAS has compatibility with most USB cameras, in my case I use a microsost HD500 camera to do some image processing demos i the problem is similar, I can not control the zoom and other software features in high resolution, I understand that maximum hardware capacity must be obtained in the recommended products by National Instruments


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

Hi, I hope this is the right thread to ask for some help with my problem… I have to save images coming from a USB video camera at a user defined sample rate while the camera shows the "live video" of the event.


I have already made a simple program using Labview 2011 and the Vision Assistant toolkit to store the images captured by the video cam (after I applied a ROI mask) at a sample rate defined by the user for a timespan defined also by the user, but my display instead of showing the Live cam video, only shows the last image saved (the one with the ROI mask). I suspect the problem is within the WHILE LOOP… but I can't figure out how to solve this… any ideas?? please help :s



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16



try creating a new image reference ("IMAQ Create") with appropriate image type (RGB right?) outside the while loop and wire it to the "Image Dst" on the "Vision Assistant" express.


I don't use Vision assistant, but it seems to me that you are using the same image reference for the camera image and the masked image.


Best regards,



P.S.: I suggest you open a new discussion thread for future problems. But it's your choice in the end 🙂

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0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

Thanks... I will open a new thread.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

How does this relate to OP question? 



NI Vision Module is designed to help develop and deploy machine vision applications . Includes hundreds of functions to acquire, process images , location of features, identify objects and measure parts.

The Vision Development Module ( VDM ) presents image processing functions for LabVIEW , C / C , Visual Basic, and . NET . VDM functions are used for image processing some of them are : pattern matching, particle analysis , edge detection , threshold , histograms and optical character recognition . Furthermore, VDM includes Vision Assistant and code generation tool similar to VBAI . Vision Assistant is a useful tool to develop and test a series of image processing steps and code generation .
Vision Builder for Automated Inspection ( VBAI ) is a standalone development environment that requires no programming . VBAI includes over 100 of the most used VDM tools , including : pattern matching , OCR , and particle analysis . VBAI can run programs on remote destinations , and also has the ability to configure the remote targets .
Vision Acquisition Software ( VAS ) is a set of drivers and utilities functions to acquire, display and save images from any camera NI GigE Vision camera , or IEEE 1394 (Firewire ) and USB . VAS is included in both VDM and VBAI .
You can perform image acquisition only drivers from VAS , but for any treatment or handling or VDM VBAI you need , plus VAS . You can download the evaluation software from the following links :


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Message 10 of 16