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vision runtime license when development module is installed

Hi at all,

I get a license error (-1074396157) when I run a labview executable (all versions 2011) on a pc where the development module is installed beside the vision runtime engine. The vision run-time engine is sucessfully activated.

I guess it is a common procedure what I have done:

Install labview + vdm and activate with your development license, develop on the pc which is intended for delivery (where all cameras are connected). Wwhen development is done, you go to the license manager and deactivate your own licenses and activate with the runtime licenses you orderer for the project.

I think there should be a solution without uninstalling everything, deactivating should be enough. Maybe there has a registry key to be changed?

Regards, Stefan

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11
I am experiencing the same problems, but using the NI VLM. The knowledge base article titled "Licensing National Instruments Vision Software", states that "It is pointless to activate the VDM RTE on the development computer." Obviously, whomever made this call has never produced a maintainable solution in the real world.

I am still working with customer support to resolve this issue, but it appears that we'll have to fork over more dough to NI to get the VDM DDL to replace VDM RTE licenses we purchased!
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Message 2 of 11

Strange, I haven't such trouble. Just checked - I have both licenses activated at the same time, and it works on my development PC:





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Message 3 of 11
The "Success!" was not mine!
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Message 4 of 11
So, how did you accomplish that, Andrey?
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Message 5 of 11


In your screenshot, the VDM is still green - that's how I get no license error in my executable as well. When only Vision RTE is green, a get an error.

Still the same with 2012, I just checked on another system. Be sure to have a "real" vision function in your exe, e.g. IMAQ rotate needs the license, IMAQ create not.


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

@StefanW wrote:

In your screenshot, the VDM is still green - that's how I get no license error in my executable as well. When only Vision RTE is green, a get an error.

Still the same with 2012, I just checked on another system. Be sure to have a "real" vision function in your exe, e.g. IMAQ rotate needs the license, IMAQ create not.

Ah, OK, now understand your trouble. Yes, it is, if you will deactivate VDM license, then you may get license error from application even that Run-Time still licensed (I guess I also have seen that in the past).

This may be caused by the fact that VDM license already contains single Run-Time license inside, therefore when licensed function called from nivision.dll, then the license function first checked VDM license, and return the error if this license is present, but not activated. May be "a bug" - but its a very unusual situation when you have deactivated VDM license on the development machine.


Anyway, what you can try - just manually remove VDM license file (leave only Run-Time) instead of full VDM uninstall. This file located in %ProgramData%\National Instruments\License Manager\Licenses (if you under Win7), and named like Vision_Vision_PKG_xx0000.lic. Just remove these file and leave only Vision_VisionRuntime_PKG_xx0000.lic - then try to run your application (Vision Run-Time should be still licensed, of course).

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

The VLM will not deliver the runtime license when I run my exe, unless when I am logged in as the developer. Consequently, then it has access to all of the vision development licenses. When I want an Operator to login to run the executable only, we now have a problem. As I have just upgraded our NI Vision software, while running under evaluation mode there was no indication that this would be a problem. The usual activation popup was there everytime were ran the exe, but only appeared to be the normal SOP.


I created a disconnected runtime license and diabled the connection to the license server, the VI seemed to run without anything popping up, but no picture comes up and of course the vision features do not perform their functions. I am using the IMAQdx for extended functionality and that particularly has issues with some of the VI's that NI provides. Other exe's with different functionality and cameras using legacy drivers seem to work, but again the extended functionality is not being utilized there.


So the VDM RTE seems to only kick in under certain circumstances.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

It looks like NI has made every effort to thwart any attempts at a work around. (Emphasis is mine.)



  • Licensing Applications Using the Vision Development Module 8.0 and Later

VDM provides the VDM RTE to the developer. When deploying a vision application, the VDM RTE can either be installed separately on each target computer, or bundled with the vision application in an installer. It is pointless to activate the VDM RTE on the development computer.
When you install VDM, the VDM RTE is added to the following directory: <root directory>\Program Files\National Instruments\Vision\Run-Time Engine
When the VDM RTE (8.0 and later) is installed on a target computer, it must be fully activated or else it will default to evaluation mode for 30 days. After the 30 day trial expires, no executables which use VDM VIs or functions will continue to work.



They would prefer we spend $600 more for the priviledge of maintaining their vision systems.


Vision Development Module Debug Deployment License (VDM DDL) – optional for Deployed Executables

The VDM DDL is meant to be used in the place of the VDM RTE for applications which require debugging. When the VDM DDL is installed the VDM RTE should not be used. If they both exist on the same computer there may be a licensing conflict if VDM DDL is not activated. To activate the VDM DDL, VDM must first be installed. Once VDM is installed the VDM DDL should be used to activate the debug options. If full development is desired on a computer with the VDM DDL. VDM Full Development license must be purchased.

On systems using the Volume License Manger (VLM) where VDM is installed,  executables can only run when VDM or VDM DDL is activated through the Volume  License server. If VDM or VDM DDL is not currently activated,  executables will not run even if the VDM RTE is activated. For  situations where only one developer has access to the VDM license on a  computer, the other users of that computer must be given access to  either VDM DDL or VDM in order to run any executable containing Vision  functions.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11



working with the lic-files was not sucessfull.but thanks - this hint was worth a try.


I guess the document which Jay has mentioned wants to say it's not a bug, it's a feature


Invalid License Error

To resolve this error activate or uninstall VDM. The VDM RTE does not require activation on computers with VDM activated. However, if VDM is installed but not activated, executables using VDM VIs or functions will not execute but will give an invalid license error. This is because the Vision software checks for activation during run time; this is different when compared to other National Instruments software packages which check for activation at compile time. The Vision software confirms that VDM is activated; if VDM is not installed then it confirms that the VDM RTE is activated.


In my opinion the licence check routine is stupid programming! If the caller of a vision function is an executable, it should check for VDM OR RTE, only if the caller is LabVIEW the VDM should be required.

I think it is a typical workflow for custom solutions to install a development system on the pc where you have framegrabber and cameras connected and remove the development licence afterwards.


So I think uninstalling the VDM is the only solution.


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Message 10 of 11