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Create a VS2010 exe file with NI driver, how to let it run on other PC without install NI driver?

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     I create a 32bit VS2010 MFC program in which I call NI driver(V21.5) to access some instruments that support visa interface, the program can access these instruments correctly(I put visa32.dll, NiViSv32.dll and nisyscfg.dll in exe folder).  When I put this exe and related *.dll to another PC(which has been installed NI MAX, but the version is V19.5), the program can't access instrument. I want to know if the NI driver should have same version between PC that make the exe and the PC that use the exe? If I want to let other PC run this program that doesn't install NI driver, how can I do? Thanks.  

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by jimmy0415

Don’t try to collect the NI Visa DLLs to put them in your application directory. NI Visa is a lot more complex than just these three files and tracking those dependencies is a very consuming feat and not everything will work to put into your application directory and you need also several registry entries set correctly. 

NI Visa (and any other driver software really) needs to be installed with their respective installer. Anything else is insanity.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by jimmy0415

Thank you very much. Your answer clarify my doubts.

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