Measurement Studio for VC++

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Data acquisition from text file



I have the following problem to solve and would like to know if Measurement Studio for VC++ can help:


I would like to read data from a text file with NMEA strings (see example below) and plot them. For instance, the text file contains latitude and longitude values form a GPS which I would like to visualize. Thus, does MS offer an method to read values from a text file, store and plot them?


Here is the example data:




0 Kudos
Message 1 of 4

Hi Julian,


of course it is possible to use Measurment Studio for this application. I did not found any example which solves your task. Did you already start programming? A XY graph is available. The NMEA strings are officially documented. You have to do some parsing work on your own.


In general your question is a Visual C++ topic and not Measurement Studio specific. Perhaps somebody else published the solution on the web. Did you do some research?


Kind Regards,




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Message 2 of 4

Hi Julian,

i am also working on NMEA data and facing the same problem. I have used Marine-api and using netbeansIDE for Testing my java code.  i have extracted the required TalkerIDs and SentenceIDs for obtaining the Position parameters from the received GPS data. Now i want to plot a grid view and show the latitude and longitude point on that Grid. 

can you help me regarding this problem. 

thank you in advance.





Shyam Barange

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Message 3 of 4

hello JulianHeinz.. have you done with the Visualization part of your work.

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Message 4 of 4