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How to set sample point for NI-9860 CANFD

Hi all,

The settings below:

1. first settings for CAN FD for pcan which works well.

can_clk, brp, tseg1, tseg2, sjw, limit, lo, mod, brp, tseg1, tseg2, sjw
{ CAN_CLOCK_80M, 1, 127, 32, 1, 96, 0, 1, 2, 15, 4, 1}


second settings for CAN FD for vector which works well too.


2. Baud=500K and FD baud=2M

3. devices: cDAQ-9184 and NI-9860

4. Software environment; NI-XNET-21.8.0


Current status:

1. two sessions, 1 is for read , and another for write(All are created by CreateSession with ":canfd:" and FrameInputStream/FrameOutputStream)

2. nxPropSession_IntfBaudRate64 set to 500K for read and write

nxPropSession_IntfCanFdBaudRate64 set to 2M for read and write

3. nxPropSession_IntfCanTxIoMode set to 1 for read and write

4. RequestDownload, TransferData, RequestExist are not stable.

5. All sessions do not work after Custom baud.

 Question: How to set the sample point to 80%?

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