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Search X Series DDK source code for board PCIe-6351



I am looking to transport my software application from M-Series to X-Series.

I want to upgrade from PCI-6251 card to PCIe-6351 card.

I am looking for the "Examples" codes and the "ChipObject" codes as in the package of the time:



                                      tMSeries.cpp .h

                                      tTIO.cpp .h



                                      main.cpp .h

                                      ai.cpp .h

                                      ao.cpp .h

                                     common.cpp .h

                                     scale.cpp .h

                                     serialNumber.cpp .h

                                     aiex1.cpp .h

                                     aiex2.cpp .h

                                     aiex?.cpp .h

                                     aoex?.cpp .h

                                     dioex?.cpp .h

                                     gpctex?.cpp .h


I am unable to find the equivalent which should be named :


Thanks for your feedback
best regards



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Message 1 of 3

I’m not aware that NI released any DDK for the X series hardware. The question would be why you look for that when you post in the Measurement Studio board. Measurement Studio uses the official NI DAQmx driver to access all supported NI DAQ boards and the X series certainly belongs in the supported category.


Did you mean to post to the dedicated DDK board instead. You may get a more qualified answer there.

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
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Message 2 of 3

Thanks Rolf for the good advice.
I will search and post in dedicated DDK board.

:)Philippe Mottas


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