Dear Melbourne Test, Measurement and LabVIEW User Group folk,
Thanks for making 2018 the best year for our user group meetings! We had four meetings this year - the most since restarting the group back in 2014. The presentations were varied and interesting, and I hope that for all those who attended throughout the year, that you were able to take something away from each meetup.
Last night we had three presentations. Stuart spoke about strategies for managing/viewing large data sets. He had some good ideas in there, and some I'm sure we'll keep in the back of our minds for future projects. Dave then showed us how he manages varying front panel screen sizes. He had some nice features, and I think he should make it a toolkit and get it out there! Then finally John took us through a recent Wired-in project. Unfortunately we ran short of time so John had to rush the ending, but interestingly one of John's challenges was managing large data sets, so that was a nice connection to Stuart's presentation. A big thank you to Stuart, Dave and John for putting in time to make the meetup a success.
Meetup at Cochlear Nov 2018 1
Meetup at Cochlear Nov 2018 2
Meetup at Cochlear Nov 2018 3
Thanks to all our other presenters throughout 2018: Arend Wieringa from Bestech, Kurt Friday from Medulla, Chris Farmer from Wired-in Software, Gerrald Mateo from National Instruments, David Turner from Xtralis, Chris Murrell from Xtralis and Nicholas The from Xtralis, Stuart Trevillian from Neofox, David Noble from Cochlear, John Symonds from Wired-in Software.
We will aim to host another 4 events next year. Please take this opportunity to provide some feedback about the events. Do you like the times/locations? Do you have a specific area of Test & Measurement you would like to learn more about? Can you present on an interesting topic yourself?
Thanks everyone.
Have a great festive season, and we'll see you again in 2019.
Christopher Farmer
Certified LabVIEW Architect and LabVIEW Champion
DQMH Trusted Advisor