Motion Control and Motor Drives

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I have problems with the reference move, the second run is wrong (MID-7604).

Hello together,
my problem is following:
please see the attachment "scan.pdf",
I would like that the motor performed the graphic (Soll), but to time the motor run like the graphic (IST).
I have no idea, how do I solve this problem. I also attached the used VI. If anybody could help, but the attachement "scan.pdf" should be in english: this is no problem (I can making this).
I hope in the www is somebody, who can help me.
Thank you
greetings Peter
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Message 1 of 3

I have had a look at your code. It looks like the final approach direction is set to reverse (1), as the hidden button (why hidden?) that controls the output of your second case structure defaults to TRUE. Changing this button's default value to FALSE should resolve the issue. Additionally you should set the "Offset Position" parameter to execute the intended final move away from the reference position.

I hope this helps,

Jochen Klier
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 3
Hello Jochen,
thanks for your fast answer and sorry about my late answer.
means final approach direction = final search direction, or is there a difference?
I had set the output of the second case structur to False, but now the motor runs like: see scan.pdf point IST 2.
I also tryed all possibilities regarding the output of the case structures, already I start this thread.
I don't know what do you mean with hidden button and Offset Position.
Where do I have a button hidden?
Where do I set the Offset Position?
I hope you can help me. Thank you.
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