Here is what I have found:
"Something that you can do to retrieve data faster is use the
Acquire Trajectory Data.flx. This vi sets the update rate with a
maximum update rate of 3ms. Then use Read Trajectory Data.flx to read
the position."
This will increase the reading rate by 40%. If this is not enough, you could use buffered High-Speed-Capturing (HSC)which allows you to read a limited amount of hardware timed position data. The maximum acquisition speed is 2 kHz but it requires an external clock signal. Please reger to the shipping HSC examples.
The other option is to use the counters of an additional
DAQ board. This option allows you to read position data continuously at much higher rates. You even could route the counter signals from the motion control board internally to the DAQ board using a
RTSI connector.
I know that you are aware of these options, but I have posted them to this thread to make it more valuable for other users, too.