Motion Control and Motor Drives

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servostar 300 + AKM12



est ce qu'il existe desVI pour le pilotage d'un moteur AKM12 avec le servostar 300.



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Message 1 of 5



Thank you for posting on national instruments forum's.


You are on the english forum's. I will answer in english.


Did you choose a device and software / drivers for the communication with a brushless servo motor


Communication with cRIO + FPGA or EtherCAT AKD Servo Drive?



Brice S.
National Instruments France

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5



I already have the servostar and the motor.


I want to pilote correctly the motor.


do you have VI to parameter and pilot the drive and the motor?


thanks a lot for your answer


Gratedoux jerome

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Message 3 of 5

Hello jerome,


What NI products did you use? I can not give you VI, if I do not know with which driver you communicate .


Did you use a communication via RS 232?


One of the best way to discard communication problems is use their own software to try to establish communication. If you can communicate you can use NI SPY or a port Monitor (like portmon) to see the commands that software is sending and compare them to the ones you are using, this way you can rule out the communication or command Issue.


There is not direct module to control the ServoStar drive through the Serial port. But there are different ways to control the Drive.


A simple solution would be use the drive analog inputs to control the drive direction this can be done with a DAQ Card as specified in page 50 of the manual.

Also this drive can work with any Stepper drive Controller (Page 56 of the manual).  With this you could use any of the motion controllers and the NI Motion Software to work with you drive.

Manual Link



Brice S.
National Instruments France

Message 4 of 5



I'm trying to do something similar,  I made a labview program that should output a voltage but I'm not sure how to connect it to the Servostar 300.  I was told that the servostar hooked up to my motor works from -179 degrees to 180 degrees from v=0 to v=5.  I have NI cartridges 9485, 9229, and 9269.  Could you help me with the specifics of how to wire them? I have honestly never used any of these devices before.


Thank you,


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Message 5 of 5