09-18-2005 11:11 PM
09-19-2005 04:10 AM
09-19-2005 04:16 AM
09-19-2005 05:36 AM
09-19-2005 06:33 AM
09-20-2005 04:33 AM
Sorry, i didnt update the file.
I am not very good with labview but this is the best effort i could get out of it.
As i explained before,
A digital output signal from an accelerometer (ADXL210JE from analog.com) gives out an output and the digital signal in connected to port 0 of the BNC 2110 board. The BNC 2110 board is connected to the PCI 6111 DAQ. Using DAQ assistant to pick these devices up and read the signal from the output, i can get a signal on the indicator. Easy enough.
But i have to analyse the signal and all it is at the moment is a line of 1 and 0's. The formulae to calculate it is [(T1/T2) - 0.5)] / 0.04
Where T1 is the duration of the high pulse and T2 is the period duration. T1/T2 = duty cycle.
But i can't connect the data output from the DAQ assistant to any vi which can measure the pulse width and period because of the data type. What can i do about it.
It also seems that i can't connect the pulse measurement vi outputs to the formulae block.
I really need some help!!
Thanks for any help available
09-20-2005 09:12 AM
09-20-2005 11:15 AM
09-21-2005 01:49 AM
Hi Dennis ,
The logic was fantastic.yesterday i too worked on that vi.but no good resultsi got.
embedded systems engineer
09-21-2005 04:14 PM