Multifunction DAQ

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1-D array of digital waveform to Waveform DBL

Has anyone used the BNC 2110 board?
I'm not to sure where the counter input for this board is. The examples require a counter input but i can't seem to locate the counter input pin on the board.
I see CTR0 OUT and CTR1 OUT.
Also this page,  says that P0.6 and P0.7 can control the up/down signal of the general -purpose counters 0 and 1. But the label P0.6 and P0.7 do not exist on the board.
Thanks for help if possible
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Message 11 of 13
Hi Mushu,

You are using a BNC-2110 with a NI 6111.  You can see in that file (or the associated PDF) that there are some connections for various PFI lines on the top right side of the BNC-2110. 

But what do those PFI lines do?  That depends on the board.  So the best way to figure it out is to look at the pin assignments for the NI 6111.  You can find the pinouts in the S Series Help.  In there you will see that the pinout for the NI 6111 look like this:

From this image you can see that the following pins are associated with the lines you are looking for:

CTR 0 Source    Pin 37
CTR 0 Gate        Pin 3

CTR 1 Source    Pin 42
CTR 1 Gate        Pin 41

Lines P0.6 and P0.7 are only used when trying to read things like Quadrature Encoders.

Best of luck with the rest of this,

Message Edited by Otis on 09-26-2005 02:52 PM

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Message 12 of 13



If I open this VI file and appears like that >>>> what is that mean?

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Message 13 of 13