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9265 Current Out



I am trying to produce a current signal to control a mass flow controller. I am using a NI 9265 current generator in a 9188 chassis, my vi is attached. The problem is that the vi is running with no errors whatsoever but there is no current. I am measuring the current by short-circuiting with a multimeter.


The Vsup is connected to a power supply which provides 24VDC.


The 9265 unit is brand-new I hope it is not broken 😉 Is there a way to test this?


Thank you for you help.

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Message 1 of 9

Hi there,


to check if your device is OK you can run a Selftest in the Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX). Therefore open MAX, select the chassis and the module and click on selftest.


If the selftest gives no error you can open the testpanel and run an current output task. Please check with a multimeter if the device gives out the correct current.


Please inform me when you get some new information. When the device isn't broken we have to check your VI for some errors.


Best regards,


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Message 2 of 9



i want to measure the temperature with NTC. i have the NI9265(output), NI9207(input), and chassis cDAQ-9174. so at first i need  a fix  current ,Iex, from NI9265 onto the NTC, this will be the externel power supply. so can you help me, in Labview to control the NI9265 output for the requirement.





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Message 3 of 9

Hallo, Duncan6286,


Now I am facing the same problem of NI 9265 as you met 2 months ago.


I hope to get a constant current output (range between 0,1m~0,3mA ) by NI 9265 in cDAQ 9174 chasis, however, no current generated. There is no signal appeared on Measurement&Automation or Labview. 


Should NI 9265 need a extral power supply as you said provided by 24 VDC?  But it seems still not work as you said.


Could you give me some advices on this?


Thanks a lot !



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Message 4 of 9

Hello roermonder,


I have managed to get an analog output in the Range of 4 to 20 mA. The device needs an external power supply with 24VDC. My problem was that this power supply was not connected properly. 


The power source has to be connected to pins 8 and 9, the current is supplied on pins 0,2,4,6. The COM channels 1,3,5,7 are alle connected to each other and to the power supply COM. This is used as a ground reference.


@yanchao I can give you an example to produce an output from the 9265 tomorrow when I am back at the office. I will post it then.


Good Luck!


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Message 5 of 9

Hello Yanchao,


the attached vi should work.


Best regards


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Message 6 of 9

very nice, thanks a lot!

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Message 7 of 9

Hi, Duncan,


It works. I get a constant current source as 0.1mA by external power as 12 VDC, just need to calibrate.  Thank you

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Message 8 of 9

Hi, The vi you posted generates constant signal. I want to generate a pulse, how to update this vi. I am very new to NI. I have written a program but there is some buffer error. I am attching the vi I have written. I am also attaching the signal that I want to get from NI 9265. I know I have to feed the signal to an amplifier for that. Thanks.

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