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AddUsbRawPermissions dont work using mandriva and NIVISA

hi im installed USB-6008 using mandriva 2008, i installed with success, nikal 1.7, nivisa 4.3.0 and daqmxbase 2.1.0, my problem is when i run nivisa driver wizard i cant select the usb device, so i consult the readme file and apparentlly found the solution, i ran the but still cant select the USB device in the driver wizard only the pci/pxi is the onlyone avaible, what im doing wrong? i let the screens:
[root@localhost mngolo]# lsdaq
Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
Found the following DAQ Devices:
NI USB-6008: "Dev1"    (USB0::0x3923::0x717A::012B88CF::RAW)
[root@localhost mngolo]# exec /usr/local/vxipnp/linux/NIvisa/USB/
NI-VISA : Add Permissions for a Raw USB Device
This Script gives permission to all users to access a specific raw USB
device using NI-VISA.  Under the default configuration of most Linux
distributions, only the root user can access all of the USB devices.
Running this script is not necessary if NI-VISA will be run only by
the 'root' user or if usbfs (formerly known as usbdevfs) is mounted
with the "devmode=0666" option.
"udev" detected.
The Vendor ID (VID) of a USB device is a numeric identifier that
may be up to 4 hexadecimal digits.  It is found in the "device
descriptor" of the USB Device.  An example is "0xA1B2".
What is the Vendor ID (VID) of the USB Device? 0x3923
The Product ID (PID) of a USB device is a numeric identifier that
may be up to 4 hexadecimal digits.  It is found in the "device
descriptor" of the USB Device.  An example is "0xA1B2".
What is the Product ID (PID) of the USB Device? 0x717A
The following USB Device information has been entered:
   Vendor ID   (VID) :    "0x3923"
   Product ID  (PID) :    "0x717A"
Continue? [Yn] y
If the USB Device is currently plugged in, please unplug and plug
it back in for these changes to take effect.
USB Device successfully added.          
03-20-2008 02:50 AM  
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