10-27-2017 04:04 PM
Hi, I am using a PCI6143, that is a simultaneos adquiring signals to reading AC voltages and currents. Now I need to read an aditional unmoduled IRIGB signal (see fig or. ), but I do not have analog inputs availables. Is possible to read thois kind of signal (0 or 5 Volts) using digital input, like a wave form (value& time)? if the answer is yes, is this signal synchroinized (simultaneus reading) with the analog signals reading?
Thanks in advance
10-30-2017 03:01 PM
Hello joengomez,
The signal you are trying to acquire is the red one? or the green one? You could acquire the red one and store it as a waveform type. You can sync both the digital input and analog input tasks using triggers and sharing sample clocks by using the DAQmx VI's.
10-30-2017 04:57 PM
Thanks Fernando.
It is the red one. Could you indicate me how to use triggers and share sample clocks to sync both signals?
Be regards,
10-31-2017 05:12 AM
sample program link