I'm using a PXI-6251 to measure several voltages. 3.3V x2, 5V x2, 15V x1, and 24V x1. I divide the 15V and 24V by three to get it into a range that can be handled by the 6251. I used a simple voltage divider of a 200K resistor in series with a 100K resistor. My issues are with the 15V and 24V measurements. They measure lower than they are. I have low tolerance resistors to make sure there isn't any variation. I measured the voltage on the input to the 6251 with a multimeter and got 4.9996 and 7.96 respectively. I put an o'scope on them as well and the voltage was solid at 5 and 8 with less than 0.1V variation. But the 6251 measures 4.85 and 7.75 respectively. I take 200 samples at 100Hz. The variation in the measured values is very small as I'd expect, but the values are 0.1 and 0.3V lower than they should be.
I tried swapping the inputs on the 6251 and the problem followed the 15V and 24V lines. Is it possible the 300K is loading it down somehow? I saw the input impedance was >10G so I don't think this should be a problem, but it appears like it might be???