05-11-2009 08:25 AM
I have a 9163 which stop acquiring, but still responds to MAX and ping. If the Vi keep running, and getting errors, computer will stop with a blue screen.
If I reboot 9163 by MAX, it retrives normal operation.
How can I retrive firmware version?
How can I reboot a 9163 from a VI?
05-12-2009 04:27 AM
I need some more information, you should be more precise :
What is your configuration ? What module do you have ? What do you want to perform ? How those errors occur ? What's the error code ?
05-12-2009 05:17 AM
I have a VI, 24h over 24h, aquirring 4 signals from a 9215 BNC. Some times, enet stop responding. If I leave the VI looping over and over, the computer will crash with a blue screen.
I don't have the error because I wasn't recording it, but next time...
A reboot by MAX puts the Enet on tracks again.
05-12-2009 05:35 AM - edited 05-12-2009 05:36 AM
To proceed on your bsod error, you can attach your memory dump file. To do so, see this KB : How Can I Create a Kernel Memory Dump When Windows Crashes?
05-14-2009 01:06 PM
How can I reboot a 9163 from a VI
Best Regards,
05-15-2009 09:48 AM
For rebooting your 9163 programmaticaly it is possible and there is a step by step KB here : How Do I Programmatically Reset My CompactRIO Controller?
Otherwise I analyse your dump file and it seems that there is a problem with your daq driver, so let's take things step by step :
1) Hardware part : test your memory with memtest
2) Software part: Then if your hardware memory test is good
a. Try to reinstall the last version of daqmx and the patch available.
b. Run Driver Verifier which can monitor kernel-mode drivers and graphics drivers to verify that they are not making illegal function calls or causing system corruption by typing verifier.exe in the execution toolbox.
Let me know what happens.
06-01-2009 06:49 AM
How can I reboot a NI ENET-9219 from a VI.
Best Regards
06-01-2009 12:22 PM
The error retrieved is -50804. This time, the carrier had to be power down to retrieve normal operation. The reboot by MAX didn't produce results
06-04-2009 04:17 AM
First, I want to clarify with you that in fact there is no way to reboot the 9163 programmatically from a VI.
Then, what is the message attached with the 50804 error ? What is your firmware version of your 9163 ? Have you installed the last version of the DAQmx driver ? When you download the latest version of the DAQmx driver, you download the file for the latest firmware.
Finally what is the blinking status LEDof you 9163 ? I recommend you to see this KB
06-04-2009 07:21 AM
The error is -50804 not 50804. The text is "Applicable to TCP Connections. The stream/device was setup incorrectly (i.e. invalid buffer size etc.) or the device is no longer in a good state."
The firmware version is 1.0.0f2,
I couldn't still install the patch of May for DAQmx 8.9. However where located the for firmware update?
I don't have simple access to the carrier, is 6m above ground under a foot-bridge