01-19-2009 01:57 AM
I m geting the following error while installing DAQ,
please help me solve this problem.
I m using 32 bit OpenSUSE 11.1, and installing latest DAQ version.
linux-a0sk:~ # uname -r
linux-a0sk:~ # cd driver
linux-a0sk:~/driver # ls
ConfigurationGuide.html INSTALL LICENSE.txt PATENTS.txt README.txt UNINSTALL nidaqmx-8.0.1f0.tar.gz
linux-a0sk:~/driver # ./INSTALL
NI-DAQmx for Linux Installer Distribution
version 8.0.1f0 for Linux
To learn about the differences between NI-DAQmx in Linux and Windows, as well
as important device and application software support information, refer to the
readme file in the installer directory.
National Instruments products support the following Linux distributions:
Mandriva Linux Official
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktop + Workstation
Refer to README.txt for the latest information at the time of release.
Refer to www.ni.com/linux for the most recent information about Linux
support at National Instruments.
Continue? [Yn] Y
Checking required install tools...
Checking installer tool versions...
rpm can be used with a default installation path
tar 1.20
Checking dependencies...
glibc 2.9
Unpacking install files to /tmp/nidaqmx-8.0.1f0.install...
gcc Not found in current path
*** ERROR: Some required tools are missing or were not found. ***
linux-a0sk:~/driver #
01-20-2009 01:36 PM
It seems to me like it cannot find the GCC compiler. Have you been able to use the GCC compiler before this or have you just installed Linux on your system?
01-21-2009 02:35 AM
Hi arron,
I installed the required components lik gcc, make, kernel-source, kernel-syms, and then mesa.
After installing all this, i m getting the following error,
please look at this and help me to solve this.
Post Installation . Warning: nikali post installation failed! /tmp/nikaliPostInstall.log follows: Configuring for linux kernel version ********************************* NOTE ********************************* Using kernel headers found in /lib/modules/ If this does not correspond to the location of the headers, then define KERNELHEADERS in your environment to point to the location of the kernel headers, define KERNELTARGET as the version of the kernel for which to compile, and then rerun ./configure. ********************************* NOTE *********************************
Thanks in advance,
01-21-2009 09:04 AM
Hi Sankar,
First let me start by saying that right now DAQmx 8.0.1 will not work on openSUSE 11.1. There are several known issues with how the openSUSE 11.1 kernels have been configured that will prevent it from installing. Right now I would recommend using openSUSE 11.0 instead.
With that said, the installation procedure on openSUSE 11.0 will be the same. If you look at the README file for DAQmx there should be a section that explains how to configure your kernel sources on openSUSE. In short as root you will need to run:
cd /usr/src/linux
make cloneconfig
make modules_prepare
Then run the INSTALL script for DAQmx.
Shawn Bohrer
National Instruments
01-30-2009 01:36 AM
Hello shawn
I m facing a different problem , all the texts looks lik square whn i start labview, and also in the programming window looks same as square.
Help me to solve this problem..I m using Opensuse 10.3 KDE and Labview 8.6. Installation shows no error.
01-30-2009 04:11 PM
I would suggest posting this question on the LabVIEW Forums. This should get you a better response to help you out with your question. Most of the individuals that monitor these boards specialize in hardware.
- sailor_12
02-02-2009 11:52 AM
..that is a good suggestion. Sankar has posted here.
06-24-2010 12:44 AM
Hi Rne,
Do you fix the problem ?
I have exactly the same nipalk problem on my SLES11 (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11).
I can loca nikal (following the step described in this thread), but not nipalk ....
06-24-2010 02:06 AM
@kcc1967 wrote:
Do you fix the problem ?
I have exactly the same nipalk problem on my SLES11 (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11).
I can loca nikal (following the step described in this thread), but not nipalk ....
Install NI-VISA-Runtime-5.0.0.iso (beta ?) after NI-VISA-4.5.0 ... seems fix the problem.