Multifunction DAQ

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Hello Everyone, 


    I use a cdaq 9174 with two models : NI 9215 to mesure torque and NI 9401 to mesure rotation speed. 

    I need to use these 2 models to get data from a torque meter.

    I did my VI ,for the speed is a digit input and the torque is a analog input.

    My question is , I can use one Daqassistant but I will have synchronsation problem between the 2 models? or is better to use 2 Daqassistant ( 1 is for NI9215 and the 2 is for NI9401).



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Message 1 of 4

I am just purely against using the DAQ Assistant.  You really should learn to use the DAQmx API (start here).


But to your core question:  A task can only have 1 type of signal.  Digital Input and Analog Input are different types.  So you will need 2 tasks in order to do this.

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Message 2 of 4


 Thank you for your answer.

  DAQmx API can only have 1 type of signal and one card Ni in the same time as the Daq assistant? 



Best regards,

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Message 3 of 4

The concept of Task is the same whether you use DAQ Assistant or DAQmx drivers.


FYI - DAQ Assistant also uses DAQmx drivers behind the scenes.

Soliton Technologies

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