Multifunction DAQ

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Thank you soo much for your reply.



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Message 11 of 20

Hello all!

I have referred above links but couldn't understand how to work on problems so can you guide me through that.

How to connect and read DCU variables (Dosing Control Unit) using LabVIEW program??

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Message 12 of 20

As I have explained multiple times, I am not familiar with the equipment and software that you've to guide you precisely.


Since you asked how to control DAQ using LabVIEW, I shared links to learn DAQmx drivers to control the inputs/outputs of NI DAQ. If you need more help, you need to share more details on stuff that I am not familiar with to guide you better.


For starters, please explain what is a Dosing Control Unit and share all links to the manual, datasheet etc., and how it is connected to the NI DAQ and what is the DAQ model.

Soliton Technologies

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Finding it hard to source NI hardware? Try NI Trading Post
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Message 13 of 20

Hello all,

Does anyone know how to connect and read variables from ECU( Electronic control unit) using LabVIEW program?

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Message 14 of 20

What hardware do you have to connect with ECU? like a USB-OBD tool? or any fancy CAN bus analyzer?


Just to clarify, LabVIEW is a programming language (software) running on a PC and an ECU is hardware, these two must be connected by some means for each other to communicate.

Soliton Technologies

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Finding it hard to source NI hardware? Try NI Trading Post
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Message 15 of 20

I will be using CAN communication to communicate LabVIEW with ECU hardware.

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Message 16 of 20

What exact CAN hardware will you be using?


Note: This is a piece of information you could've provided in the very first post than have so many conversations over several days and saved you and our time.

Soliton Technologies

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Finding it hard to source NI hardware? Try NI Trading Post
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Message 17 of 20

Hii all,

I will be using CAN communication from ECU and uses CAN breakout box for communication.

How to do LabVIEW program for ECU communication?

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 20

@mogu09 wrote:

Hii all,

I will be using CAN communication from ECU and uses CAN breakout box for communication.

How to do LabVIEW program for ECU communication?

Please be specific, what is the model of CAN breakout box that connects to your computer? and share a link or upload its user manual.

Soliton Technologies

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Finding it hard to source NI hardware? Try NI Trading Post
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Message 19 of 20

Hello all,

Can someone help me how to use enum data type in LabVIEW to save data continuously in Excel format??

Thanks in advance!

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Message 20 of 20