Multifunction DAQ

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Choose Hostname for simulated cDAQ acquisition

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I made a copule of VI to send data (reading a cDAQ simulated modules) and receive to graph that data. The shared library has 48 variables. It works well. but i must to configure each variable in receiver VI library to read its respective variable from sender VI. This causes i must modify the library in receiver VI each time sender VI runs in a different PC on network (changing hostname).. Is there any way to avoid this, i mean choose hostname at VI or something? Finally, the main VI (sender) will keep in the same PC all time; however i must make proobes in PCs that hasn´t LV installed.


I hope your advices...

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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author andcp360

Hi there,


Consider a programmatic approach…try looking for the server and its variables by name as shown in picture attach. That way it does not matter where you are…the code will be pointing at the same location all the time.


I hope this helps



Alejandro C. | National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

Hi andcp360:


Could you send me your Project with all the VIs and Libraries to better understand how are you communicating the variables and post a suggestion on how can you dynamically set the hostname.


Juan Arguello Director Support Services @NI
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Message 3 of 4

Hi guys,


Thanks for the help, i used the shared variable example attached to solve my problem!



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Message 4 of 4