Please take a look at the product manual for the SCB-68, which can be found at If you look at page 1.8, you'll find the SCB-68 I/O Connector Pinout, which shows you the Analog pin numbers you can use to connect your signal to (i.e. ACH0 - ACH15, and the AIGND's). Then if you take a look at page 3.1 through 3.10 of the manual, it explains how to connect your analog input signal to the SCB-68. If you are connecting a signal generator to the SCB-68, you'll probably want to use the grounded signal source type of connection, but make sure you reference Figure 3-1 to understand how to hook up your particular analog signal.
If you take a look at Appendix A-1 in the manual, it explains the power requirements. Most of the
time, the SCB-68 does not need any external power source because it is powered by the host computer, but your setup might need the external power supply.
The minimum requirement of connections is that you need some sort of analog input signal connected to the SCB-68. Connect the SCB-68 to the DAQCard-AI-16E-4. Open up the Measurement and Automation Explorer, which should have come with the software cd. Click on Devices and Interfaces, and find your card under there or under Traditional NI-DAQ Devices. Right click on your card and select Test Panels. This is where you can see your analog input signal. This is the simplest way to test the analog data, without using any software, such as LabVIEW. If you want to actually store the data, or do something with it, you'll have to use the software that allows you to do this.
Finally, you can find a lot of helpful information on the National Instruments web site under the Support section, especially in the Knowledgebases, Example Code, and
the Installation and Getting Started sections.