Multifunction DAQ

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Continuous data acquisition with finite samples - correct way of detecting if finished



I am working on a project to teach myself more about nidaqmx. The goal is to write and read analog data at a synced set interval and send this data to a web page for (almost) live visual feedback.

The current issue I have is that while using a finite sampling mode, the program either quits instantly or too soon and the buffer callback is not called the expected times.

A solution I found is using the done callback together with a global flag, but I have the feeling there should be a cleaner way of doing this.


My initial assumption was that the wait_until_done function would work for this, but when I use this instead of the global flag the buffer callback is not called at all.


I am using nidaqmx-python with a simulated USB-6343 daq, my current code looks like this;


import nidaqmx
from nidaqmx.constants import AcquisitionType, Edge
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

finished = False

def generate_sine_wave(frequency, amplitude, sampling_rate, duration):
t = np.linspace(0, duration, int(sampling_rate * duration), endpoint=False)
return amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency * t)

# REF:
def main():
with nidaqmx.Task() as ao_task, nidaqmx.Task() as ai_task:
sampling_rate = 1000.0 # Samples per second
duration = 3.0 # in seconds
number_of_samples = int(sampling_rate * duration)

# Generate a sine wave
data_out = generate_sine_wave(frequency=10.0, amplitude=1.0, sampling_rate=sampling_rate, duration=duration)

# Configure the analog output channel
ao_task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(sampling_rate, sample_mode=AcquisitionType.FINITE,

# Configure the analog input channel
ai_task.timing.cfg_samp_clk_timing(sampling_rate, source='/Dev1/ao/SampleClock',
sample_mode=AcquisitionType.FINITE, samps_per_chan=number_of_samples)

# Write data to the AO task
ao_task.write(data_out, auto_start=False)

def callback(task_handle, every_n_samples_event_type, sample_count, callback_data):
return 0

def test(task_handle, status, callback_data):
global finished
finished = True
return 0

ai_task.register_every_n_samples_acquired_into_buffer_event(1000, callback)

# Start the tasks

# Wait for the tasks to complete (does not print any samples at all)
# ai_task.wait_until_done(timeout=10)
# ao_task.wait_until_done(timeout=10)

# Works as expected
global finished
while not finished:

# Does not print the last sample
# while not ai_task.is_task_done():
# pass

# This does not work if we read the samples beforehand (because the buffer is empty)
# Read data from the AI task
# data_in =

# Plot the results
# plt.plot(data_out, label='Output')
# plt.plot(data_in, label='Input')
# plt.legend()

if __name__ == "__main__":


What would be a better way of approaching this? Of course other suggestions for improving my program are also welcome.


Thanks a lot in advance.

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did you progress ?

I had same issue recently and here is what I am doing basically (as a work-around). Effectively, wait_until_done() seems to prevent callbacks to be called


- if I have finite acquisition and do not need callback, I call wait_until_done, which is blocking (if task is running). Or could wait and check is_task_done() on every task


- if I have finite acquisition and need the callback to plot live, I just check in the callback if all tasks are done (is_task_done()). If this is the case, I consider test to be finished


that could probably be unified with a check of is_task_done() on a timer.... but well...

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Note that I finally thought about removing the use of wait_until_done() in finite acquisition. And well, eventually even use continuous acquisition and kill it through a timer to only use 1 method for all my cases (acquire during given time, acquire and stop through a user decision, ...)


Is your use of python "pass" not hogging one CPU ? But I also did not find better solution than doing like you (+ a 1s sleep in the loop to not hog CPU), when I do bring up the UI (otherwise the UI will block the main thread thus the app won't exit, which is what we are looking for. But we also want a full no UI capability thus I need to do like you)

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