Multifunction DAQ

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DAQ Card for Automatic Control

Hello to all


I want to develop a PID controller with LabVIEW 8.2 for manipulating a pneumatic valve. The valve is from air to open with a range of 3 - 15 psi. What DAQ card could help me to give instructions to the valve?. Control Design Suite is suitable for my purpose?

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Message 1 of 6

Hello Yambito,


For more informations about wich board to use for your application please send a mail to and give more details about your needs.




Luciano Borges
National Instruments Brazil

Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

Hi Luciano


Thank you for your answer. Some days ago I was in Rio de Janeiro in the XIV COLAEIQ 2008 and that was very very good. Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful place.


Ok. I would want to develop a PID controller in a PC, however I don't understand How the parameters calculated with the Zigler-Nichols method can manipulating a neumatic valve. Actually, We have a plate heat exchanger with four thermocouples and a Honeywell Controller, but the last (controller)is obsolete. My idea for the automatic control is to replace the controller for a PC control algorithm from a PC in the equipment. I imagine I have to use a DAQ board to recieve the temperature from the control point sensor to send the digital signal to the computer and the programming algorithm calculate the PID parameters in order to manipulate the valve of range of 3-15 psi with a signal, but I don´t know How I can built that signal having the parameters of the PID Controller calculated with the Ziegler Nichols method. In LabVIEW 8.2 Full Development System exists the Control Design Suite Toolkit. Is suitable that tool for building the digital output from the PC to the DAQ board. If it is not, What tool is suitable?. What signal I have to built to manipulate the neumatic valve?, and How I can built it from LabVIEW?. What DAQ board I have to use?(series, number of channels, kind of port). I have seen CompaqField Point and CompaqRio but that hardware is very expensive.


Any infromation would be great(examples, books, tutorials, links, web pages, etc)


Help me Please


Pablo Tuza


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hello Yambito,


From wich country are you talking? And what is your e-mail?


I will forward you to a person that can help you to choose the best device to use in your application.




Luciano Borges
National Instruments Brazil

Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I have wrote from Ecuador. My e-mail is

I have other question. Programming Puerto Serial or VISA or GPIB can help me to my to built my project!


Help me please





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hello Yambito,


Please send your first question for this two mails:


They can say to you wich is the ideal board for your specific application. You can send a spanish mail for them.


And about your VISA and GPIB question, how can I help you?

Luciano Borges
Test Development Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6