Multifunction DAQ

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DAQ USB 6363




I'm new with LabView, currently were planning to buy NI DAQ USB 6363 to use the analog input to read the value of resistor, capacitor and diode, and use the digital I/O to check the shift register functionality. I want to check if is it possible for NI DAQ USB 6363 to acquire RS232 communication feature because I want to interface barcode reader on it. I will use LabView to log the reading result to database(SQL, Access) to do some data analyzation. Im also confused about NI Test Stand what is the relationship of it to NI LabView? is it another software to install except to LabView?


Thank You,


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Message 1 of 3

No, you do not connect an RS-232 device to the 6363. You connect an RS-232 device to the pc. If you don't have any built-in ports, you use a USB-RS232 converter. Bar code readers often come with a USB connection that emulate a keyboard so you would simply plug it in.


TestStand is a test executive that you can use to manage tests written in LabVIEW or just about any other language. It would handle the test limits, reporting, data logging, and more.

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Message 2 of 3

I use 2011 and ni labview DAQ max 9.4 but the software does not read the data on the function assistans. thank'sCat Very Happy

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Message 3 of 3