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DAQmx Physical Channel and turning off "I/O Name Filtering"

How can I do this under LabVIEW 2011 ?

In the window that pops up, I get the impression that there will always be an active filter,

see screendump below.

But if I in the diagram checks available properties, there is one called "FilterOnDevice",

that seems to be able to do the job, but I can't make it work.

Anybody knows anything about this ?


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Message 1 of 3

Heres the screendump

Name Filter.jpg

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Message 2 of 3

Hi Martin,


In LabVIEW 2011, the detailed help for the device property node for a DAQmx Physical Channel control is misleading and says the following:

"If Filter on Device is TRUE, this property returns which device has its names shown in the pull-down menu of the control. This property does not indicate what device contains the resource you select with a DAQmx name constant or control."


A corrective report was written about this and stated the following:



"This description makes it seem that this property node is solely dependent on another property node "FilterOnDevice" which actually has no bearing on the result. In actuality, the device property node is dependent on whether or not I/O Name Filtering/Limit to Device has been enabled on the DAQmx Physical Channel Control. When it is enabled and limited to a single device, the Device Property Node returns the device name such as "Dev1." This occurs regardless of the T/F state of the "FilterOnDevice" Property Node. When Limit to Device is not enabled, the property node returns an empty string.

Therefore, the help file should be updated to reflect the dependency on the I/O name filtering property on the Front Panel rather than the FilterOnDevice property."




The wording in LabVIEW 2012 and later has been changed to the following:


"Returns the device whose names are displayed in the pull-down menu of the DAQmx Physical Channel control, if the menu is filtered. To specify how to filter the menu, right-click the DAQmx Physical Channel control from the front panel, select I/O Name Filtering, then specify a device in the Limit to Device pull-down menu. If filtering is not enabled in Limit to Device, this property returns an empty string."


Let me know if this clearifies anything.

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Message 3 of 3