Multifunction DAQ

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DAQmx Taskout info not available

Hi All.


In the current project which I am working on, I need to acquire data from Analog input of DAQ card, I am trying to use DAQmx vi to create a task at one place of the code and do the DAQmx read based on certain conditions, since DAQmx read requires Task in as reference I have wired the task out which got generated from "Daqmx create virtual channel vi" . 

The problem what I face is "task out" when connected to indicator shows empty (but when I proble the task out wire I see "_unnamedTask<..>")and Daqmx read eventually gives me an error.


I understand that if I have everything at one place vi works properly and I get what I need. 

But for the above mentioned piece of code I am finding issues.


Pls guide



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Post your code so we can look at it.  Otherwise it is a complete shot in the dark about what could be going wrong.  And what error are you getting?

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