08-02-2008 03:43 PM
08-05-2008 06:16 PM
Please confirm that the 6033E does in fact work with the Test Panel in Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) with On Demand Acquisition Mode. I was unsure if you were referring to the 6052E or 6033E here.
I am also curious to know if you have tested the 6033E in Finite or Continuous Mode inside the Test Panel. Please let me know if the results is the same error number. Please just try testing one AI channel from the Test Panel to limit troubleshooting.
How many channels are in getting setup at 10 kS/s when running the application in text based code. What version of the DAQmx is installed?
08-06-2008 08:36 AM
08-12-2008 10:52 PM
08-27-2008 02:12 PM
Yes this is really a PCI board and not PXI