Multifunction DAQ

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I am making a project on voice control of dc motor with LabVIEW. Also I am new to LabVIEW nd have started it from last month only. For working with the motor i hav used the L293D ic for changing the direction of the rotation of the motor. The input to the ic are to be given in digital 1 or 0. I tried to give the input from the ni DAQ 6009 nd while giving the digital low output, a 5v  dc is obtained from the daq which is of no use. I am unable to obtain the digital 0 from thedaq as i am only getting the output as digital 1 only. Kindly seek my problem and suggest me a possible solution.


With Regards


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Message 1 of 10
What pin of the 6009 are you measuring and with what? Are you setting the logic level with the test panel in MAX? Have you tried measuring the output with nothing connected?
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

I am using pin no. 20 (P0.0) and 21 (P0.1) for the two inputs of the ic respectivey. I did connected a multimeter to check the output from the pins, it showed 5V. I googled about max and tried bt was nt able to find the solution.. can you guide me with the MAX

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

MAX is short for Measurement and Automation Explorer and it is the utility program for testing and configuring the device. It's on your desktop.


If you weren't using MAX to set the digital I/O, what were you using?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Well, If wired correctly the 6009 DO should be able to drive the logic input to the L293D without damaging the 6009.  Of course, a wiring diagram for the system would be helpful.

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

I m aware of what MAX do..I am using the daq as like in its default configuration. I don't know how to change the voltage levels as per required to the daq.. that is where I am making the mistake nd i need to change the voltage levels bt I dont know how to do that..

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Message 6 of 10

In Max, going to test panel then to digital i/o nd then to 3. Select state.. It is either going to permanent low o/p or permanent high o/p. by switching in the vi, the switching is nt taking place in the o/p. it is permanent either 0 or 1.


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Message 7 of 10

Did you configure the 6009 digital lines to be output?  When setup as inputs, you are just seeing the bias resistors inside of the DAQ pulling the line high or low.  If you configure the line to be an output, then you can drive the logic level.

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Message 8 of 10

I did corrected it to output. and then i clicked start den nothing happned, den i clicked close. And then when I again Clicked the test panel it was again to inputs only..

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Message 9 of 10
That is what is supposed to happen. Don't close the test panel. Check the outputs with the test panel open or write a program.
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Message 10 of 10