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Diviseur de tension pour NI USB 6363



Je voudrais utiliser le NI USB 6363 afin de mesurer des signaux de tension produits par des générateurs piezoélectriques. Sachant que l'amplitude de ces signaux peut dépasser 10 V (aucune idée sur la valeur maximale), je voudrais savoir s'il y a un moyen pour pouvoir récupérer les signaux sans endommager le DAQ USB 6363? L'utilisation du diviseur de tension est possible si nous savons déjà la valeur maximale de tension mais dans notre cas, c'est inconnue.



Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre réponse.





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Message 1 of 3

In English:



I would like to use the NI USB 6363 to measure voltage signals produced by piezoelectric generators. Given that the amplitude of these signals may exceed 10 V (no idea about the maximum value), I would like to know if there is a way to retrieve the signals without damaging the DAQ USB 6363? The use of voltage divider is possible if we know the maximum value of output voltage but in our case, it is unknown.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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Message 2 of 3

Hi there,


Thanks to post on NI Forums,

U're right about the use of dividers, you'll need it if the voltage measured is well above what the 6363 can accept.

Note, even if you have a certain voltage protection on the 6363, I'll not recommend you to rely on it as you could damage the board.


In conclusion I think you could determine the maximum voltage (range like +- 10, 20 etc V) you'll have to measure. Then you could use dividers that will

allow the 6363 to operate safely.


Knowing the divider coefficient, you'll always be able to retreive the "real" voltage : Vmeas=DividerCoeff*Vreal.


Hope that help you.


Victor F. | Systems Engineer
Certified LabVIEW Developer | Certified TestStand Architect
National Instruments Budapest

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