Multifunction DAQ

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Error -50103


I have been trying to control my machine with labview. Here is attached file. Loop does not work along y-axis. It works along x-axis but it indicates error -50103.I checked all the available data in the labview forum and lab view site. I could not get how to sort out this issue, it gives the information about the error but not about the solution.  I have to run the loop along x axis and  along y-axis with some time delay. Error indicate that two task are running at the  same time, I did not get If I give time delay to y-axis  how it works at the same time along x-axis.

Could you please sort out my problem and tell me where I can do further changes.

Many thanks


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Message 1 of 9



It would be helpful if you could specify what type of device you are using.  However, I can hazard a guess as to what is wrong.  You are attempting to perform 3 buffered output tasks at the same time.  Most devices have a single timing engine and FIFO which is shared between all analog output channels.  Once you begin one task, the others will receive error -50103 (The specified resource is reserved).  Typically the best way to solve this, is to put all of your output channels in the same task.  This will require that all channels generate the same number of samples and use the same sample clock rate.


Hope that helps,


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Message 2 of 9

 I have to use the NI PCI-6722 to  move the  machine in three axis. So I have to control each axis separately.  I want to give voltage along x-axis at that time Y-axis should not work after that  I have to move the machine in x and y both axis and  z-axis will move continuously either x or y. move.


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Message 3 of 9

 I have to use the NI PCI-6722 to  move the  machine in three axis. So I have to control each axis separately.  I want to give voltage along x-axis at that time Y-axis should not work after that  I have to move the machine in x and y both axis and  z-axis will move continuously either x or y. move.


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Message 4 of 9


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Message 5 of 9

Hi physics department,


To develop your application for multiple analogue outputs I would recommend that you consider basing it upon the example code found in LabVIEW under:


Hardware Input and Output» CompactRIO» DAQmx» Analog Generation» Voltage» Gen Mult Volt Updates-SW


Your current application is showing errors because your are trying to access the same resource for multiple tasks.


I hope that this helps.


Kind regards,

Daniel T
Account Manager
National Instruments UK & Ireland
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Message 6 of 9

From the file attached, I am having difficulty seeing exactly how you are trying to control each axis.  You have three loops which run in parallel generating data.  Note these loops don't actually output data, this data won't get output until the DAQmx Assistant VI's execute.  If you are going to use three separate tasks (3 separate instances of the DAQmx Assistant), then you need to ensure that none of these are allowed to execute in parallel.  As I mentioned in my previous post these three channels share a single timing controller and FIFO.  Once one task is running, these resources will not be available to any other task until the first task has completed.  Your other option is to place all three channels in the same task.  You can then independently control each axis by changing what data is written which which channel.


As a simple example, let's say I wanted to move along the X axis, then Y axis, then Z axis.  My data might look something like this (I will assume 0 V means no motion, 1 V causes motion):


Channel 0 (X Axis): 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

Channel 1 (Y Axis): 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1  1  1    1   1   1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0

Channel 2 (Z Axis:  0   0   0    0   0   0   0   0   0   0  0   0   0   0   0   0   0   1   1   1   1   1   1   1   1


This allows me to have a single task which uses all three of these channels.  I write and output to all three at the same time.  However, the pattern of data I write, allows me to control when each axis moves relative to the others.


I hope that helps,


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9





I did not fine your define function in my device that are written below.

Hardware Input and Output» CompactRIO» DAQmx» Analog Generation» Voltage» Gen Mult Volt Updates-SW


what will you suggest now?


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Message 8 of 9

I used your said application , It run but gave another Error -200560 occurred at DAQmx Wait Until Now how to sort this problem.

2nd  If same voltage is given to DAQ Assiatant, how I can  control the three indepdent  channel after giving different voltage, 




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Message 9 of 9