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Error when read a continuous digital signal with NI6361

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I encounted an error when I tried to read a continuous digital signal with NI6361 as below. It says the buffer issue.

Does the error mean that I can not use this P1.1 channel to store a continuous number?  I changed this to P0.1, it does work for continuous digital inputs.


I am wondering any way to configure this channel P1.1 to P 1.7 since currently I only have output of BNC interface from function generator.







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Message 1 of 4

I found that in the mannual, it says, waveform is for Port 0 only. Does this mean I can only use Port 0 if I want to have a time based digital signal and then there should be no buffer error?


In other word, the Port 1 can only be used as a counter?


Could anyone help to understand this?




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Message 2 of 4
Accepted by topic author gnatjian

Your understanding is correct.  On X series (63xx) devices, only Port 0 can be timed with a sample clock.  Ports 1 and greater can only be used statically (i.e., just read or write a single sample when you call DAQmx Read or Write in software).  Most if not all digital lines can also be accessed by the counters or can be routed to be used as timing signals like triggers, sample clocks, etc.  You can check the device specs or user manual to see these extra routing options.

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Message 3 of 4

Thanks. I got them done with Port 0.

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Message 4 of 4