Dear Friend,
In one of our on going project, we are using NI-6733 card for generating various voltages [for. 0.048 VDC, 1.559VDC, 2.533 VDC etc]. My doubt is how to generate these voltages (for e.g. Amplitude : 1.559 VDC, Waveform type : Sinwave, Voltage range : ± 10VDC, Frequence : 1000 Hz, Samples per Buffer : 3000, Cycles per Buffer: 15.00) in A0, A1 and A2 channels with different starting time. The waveform starting time between A0 and A1 channels is 0.4 Seconds and also A0 and A2 channels is 0.8 seconds. We are using Lab view 2011 for developing this application.
With thanks and regards,
R. Johnson
Senior Software Engineer,
MEL Systems and Services Ltd.,
Perungudi, Chennai – 600 097.
Phone : 044-24961903 / 04.