Multifunction DAQ

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Getting error 200474 at test panel using PCI-6110 cards in PCI expansion system

Hi, I have four (4) NI PCI-6110 cards in a 32-bit PCI expansion chassis which is connected to my PC (Win7).

When I open the NI MAX software, the cards are all visible, and are located in slots 2, 3, 4, and 5.

When I use the test panel for cards in slots 2 and 3, I have no problems, all AI on both cards function normally.

When I try to use the test panel for cards in slots 4, and 5, the test panel freezes when I press "start" for a few moments, then gives me a timeout error 200474 at test panel.

However, once I clear the error and press "start" again, the cards seem to function normally, I can apply a signal and see the waveform appear in the test panel for all AI.


This is a problem when I go to use our in-house data acquistion software, and try to address one of the channels of one of the cards in slots 4 or 5, the software crashes.

Our in-house software has no problem acquiring data from the cards in slots 2 and 3 however.

We have multiple system with the exact same setup and do not have this issue.

It seems like something is always trying to use a resource on the cards in slots 4 and 5, but I'm not sure.


I tried updating to DAQmx 15.1, and uninstalling and reinstalling the cards.  I also tried swapping the cards around to different slots and removing cards.  I also tried different RTSI cables, but no luck.


Can someone help me out?  Thanks.



Instrumentation Engineer

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Message 1 of 4

Hey EH4379,


Have you tried resetting the devices?


I found a forum post that seems to address the particular error message:


Apparently, resetting the DAQ device performs a hardware reboot of the device. The reset aborts any running tasks and restores the device to its default settings.


Give that a try and let me know what happens.

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Message 2 of 4

Hi Chris,


I tried resetting the devices, but unfortuneately it did not help.

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Message 3 of 4

Are you trying to synchonize your cards with each other?  Off the top of my head, it seems that maybe performing this action on the expansions system may result in the timeout error.


When you change the slots that the cards are in, does the error follow to cards, or still occur at the same slots?


Obvious question, but have you made sure that the card is pushed in all the way?


Have you tried switching out the expansion system to see if they error still occurs on the same system?

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Message 4 of 4