Multifunction DAQ

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How do I: read multi step voltage from text file and send to ao0

I have labview 8.2 student edition and a ni usb 6008 device specifically for 1 project. To read a 1000 line text file that consisted of varying stepped voltages and send the corresponding voltages out to channel ao0 as either a single shot, or continuous loop. All attempts to send anything other than a continuous single voltage from the test panel fails. None of the sample vi seem to work. I don't know if it is a hardware limitation, or student version limitation, or user error. Even in the test panels, the option to output a sine wave instead of a straight dc voltage in grayed out.
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The 6008 has limited analog out capabilities. It only supports on-demand (software timed) output. that means that you have to put a sinlge DAQmx Write (or DAQ Assistant) inside a loop and pass it one value at a time. Putting your array of values outside a for loop and wiring it through to the DAQmx will work. To keep generating this signal, all of this has to be inside a while loop. Why don't you try writing something and if you have problems, post the code that you have written.
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