Multifunction DAQ

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How do i access an input on a usb-6009 in labview in OSX?

Hi, I was wondering, i am fairly new to labview, and i was wondering, how do i read the Dev1/ai0-ai1 pins of a usb-6009 into labview 7.0?

After reading as much tutorials snd posts in this forum, i have got as far as installing the NI-DAQ mx base firmware on the usb device, installed the NI-DAQ mx base software (2.1), Got the NI-Datalogger software to graph the waveform on the Dev1/ai0 and the Dev1/ai1 analog pins, but do not know how to access these inputs in labview. When i go to "functions" in the block diagram, and go to input-> instrument drivers, i do not see the DAQ usb device there. I have also added a new task in mxbaseconfig with the pins (i could not see the device in "new devices" until i went to add a new task), but still no joy.

Am i missing something, or do i need to try a different method?

any help is appreciated

Message Edited by SchrodingersCat on 10-03-2007 10:41 AM

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Message 1 of 6
sorry, i ment to add that i am running the software on mac osx on a intel based macbook.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6
You are looking in the wrong place. The instrument drivers palette is for GPIB, Serial, etc types of instruments. Look on your NI Measurements palette. I know DAQmx is listed there. I believe the DAQmx base functions would be listed there as well. On your functions palette, you also have a search button. Use that to search for DAQmx or DAQmxbase.
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Message 3 of 6
Thanks for your reply  Dennis. Unfortunately, i cant seem to find the function needed.  Under my functions pallette, all that i seem to have is:
User Library
Exec Ctrl
Sig Manip
All functions.

Under the input sub-pallette, al i seem to have is:

Instr Drivers
Simulate Sig
Sim Arb Sig
Read LVM
Prompt User

Searching for DAQmx or DAQmxbase does not yield any hits at all. Im at a loss as what could be the cause. Do i need to set up labview to recognise daq-mx base?

Thanks again

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Message 4 of 6
You are using the Express palette view so it's a bit different than what I use. See what you have under All Functions>NI Measurements. Since I've never had to use DAQmx base since I'm on windows, it's possible that the palette does not get updated with the base functions. You might have to use the All Functions>Select a VI and browse to the library that contains the DAQmx base functions. I'm sorry that I can't help more than that. Hoepefully, someone with DAQmx base installed can provide a more complete answer.
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Message 5 of 6


did you find out how it worked? I have the same problem now and because LabView on the Mac has no DAQ Assistance I am trying to figure out how to use it in the right way. Then I saw your question on the forum, so I was hoping that you could tell me how you did it more than a year ago.

Help would be very appreciated!

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Message 6 of 6