12-21-2011 03:16 PM
I am using PCI S series Multifunction Daq 6133 in my project.I am new to the Labview as well Daq.
Now i have to generate a constant 5v signal with a delay in 2ms from PCI 6133 Daq.
Anyone can help me to start..!!!
12-21-2011 04:52 PM
What is the 2 msec delay relative to?
A good place to start with all DAQ work is the examples in the Example Finder. Go to Help-Find Examples-Hardare Input and Output-DAQmx. There you will find lots of folders covering data acquisition and generation. Find the one closest to what you need and build on that.
12-21-2011 06:03 PM
Hi Craigp,
In my project i need to trigger the transistor switches one after the other with a time gap of 2ms. Thats why i am planing to send two 5v signals from my Daq with a delay of 2ms between them.
How could i..!!!
12-22-2011 10:43 AM
There are lots of ways to do this. I'm attaching an example using analog output lines. Most people would probably program this with digital lines and counters, but it takes a little more understanding. You should spend some time going through the basic data acquisition tutorials and examples. Search in your help for "tutorial, DAQmx" and pick the "introduction to" choice. Once you have completed the tutorial, use the Example finder to find other examples that are close to what you want to do. There are examples for pulse generation that you may want to look at.
12-22-2011 12:14 PM
Hi Craigp,
Thank you very much for your suggestion.
But i am unable open your VI because i am using Labview 2010.your version seems to be 2011. I couldnt open in my system.
Can you please send me the otherversion or at least sceernshots!!!
12-22-2011 12:46 PM
Sorry, I will save in 2010 when I get back to the lab in about 30 minutes.
12-22-2011 03:24 PM
V10 version attached
12-23-2011 12:45 PM
Thank you very much...!!!
I am trying to make use of code from "Degital generation" from Find Examples.I could have a chance to do...!!!!
12-29-2011 05:15 PM
I am unable to manage to do this!!!
Could you please help me to finish this task by using timer and digital signals from my PCI 6133??