12-23-2011 01:02 PM
I'm having an odd problem with the NI-USB 6210 board and need some help.
What happens is if I have the NI board and another device connected to my computer (an agilent N56768A PS in this case) and shut off power to the second device, I can no longer communicate with the 6210 and it will fail a self-test with an error -20020. Investigating a bit more I can see this error without initiation communications with the NI board at all(elementing the always possible I was doing something back talking to it). Heres what I do
Reboot the computer and see that everything is enumerated correctly.
I'm running window 7 64bit.
I've installed Daq_mx 9.4.0f1
I'm running Max 5.0.0f1
Start max, and see both the Power Supply and the 6210 board are found. Highlight the 6210 board and click self test. No porblem will be found as expected.
Turn off power to the Power Supply. Once it drops out of the list click self test for the 6210 board. I will recieve a failed message with the error reported -20020.
There is nothing I can do to recover unless i plug and unplug the 6210 so it reenumerates. If I click reset device (or try the same thing in labview using daq_mx vis) Max(or the VI) with just hang and never return. I needed to kill MAX and/or labview with the task manger at that point.
Anyone seen this issue and/or have suggestions?
Sean Veale
12-27-2011 12:48 PM - edited 12-27-2011 12:53 PM
Are you using the USB interface for the Agilent PS? If yes, I would try using the ethernet or GPIB interface instead.
Other things to look at:
1. BIOS settings for the USB ports. Check this link: http://www.usbman.com/Troubleshooter%20General.htm. (**i cant get the link to work - may have to do a google search or just go into BIOS and toggle relevant settings and check if it makes a difference)
2. Sometimes there are different chipsets for USB connecting to the font and back connectors - I would check if the problem goes away on another port.
3. Try a different computer or a plug in USB board.
If your ambitious and as a last resort, try capturing a possible +3V/5V 'droop' on the power line of the USB connector when the Agilent PS is turned off.
Thanks and gl,
12-27-2011 02:42 PM
12-28-2011 08:19 AM
Thanks for the information. I had already checked the hub power, and tried using an external hub(with it's own power, belkin brand) with the same results
The most plausible theory is noise on the usb line causing issues but I don't have the system anymore to test that theory.
12-29-2011 02:47 PM
It's going to be hard to troubleshoot without the system. If I had to, I would look at the schematic, note what components are powered by the USB +V line and what is powered by the Agilet PS. I would look for cases where powering down the Agilent may cause a large current spike on the USB +V line. For example, on CMOS chips if the input voltage to simple logic gates are held at around 50% of Vcc for a significant time they can sometimes act like a short from Vcc to ground.
I was going to suggest disconnecting parts of the circuitry and cycle power to narrow down the problem.