01-10-2006 02:55 AM
01-10-2006 04:57 AM
Hi Jaap,
This link should help you simulate a DAQ device
01-10-2006 06:11 AM
01-11-2006 01:47 AM
You can download NI DAQmx version 8.0 from here http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/websearch/4C9E45F6EE5C29F98625708900712CBC
01-11-2006 10:16 PM
01-20-2006 04:56 AM
Hi All,
In addition to the last reply, it is true that you cannot simulate the DAQPad-6015. If you want to use the simulation for developing your program without any HW you could simulate for example a PCI-6024E which gives you roughly the same functionality as the DAQPad-6015. Keep in mind that a USB device will have larger latency but it should be enough to develop your program. The program should be usable without any problems when you receive the HW.
Hope this helps,
Rik P
08-08-2016 02:02 AM
Thank you a lot!
That`s solved my problem too!
Have you ever worked with DAQ NI PCIe 6363 in Measurement Studio? Now I`m trying to communicate right with it from my software.