Multifunction DAQ

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I'm new to Labview. How can I save oscilloscope data into a text file?

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I have an oscilloscope (TDS2000) connected with my computer via USB. I want to save data from the oscilloscope to a text file or spreadsheet using labview. I'm new to labview. I only know about front and block panel right now. Please include a little detained explain about data acquisition. thanks

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Message 1 of 6

For future reference, you should know that your should have posted to the Instrument Control or LabVIEW board as your question has nothing to do with NI's multifunction DAQ devices.


Have you taken at least the beginning LabVIEW tutorial? That would be the first step. Then, look at the File I/O palette. You have a couple of options there including Write To Spreadsheet File and Write to Measurement File. Experiment with both of them. Have Context Help turned on to see the explanation of the functions.

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Message 2 of 6

Sorry, I will post question to instrument control in the future if i get a similar question. thanks for your remind


I already finished the toturial you mentioned, and there's not much mentioned about data acquisition. I also looked at the  express VI "Write to Measurement File", but I don't know what should I connect to the input "signal". Any suggestion? Thanks

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Message 3 of 6

'Signals' is the data you want to save. The default is Dynamic datatype. There is an express conversion function (Convert to Dynamic Data) that you may have to use. You will have to configure it to match the data you want to save. If you are getting a waveform data type in the scope function, you can wire it directly to the input - no conversion required.

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Message 4 of 6

thanks Dennis, I just put a "DAQmx create virtual channel" on the block diagram and created a control "physical channels" for it. But I can't find my device (TDS 2022) in the pull-down menu when run. I can see my device in MAX but not in DAQmx-Assistant. Do you know what might be the problem? I'm using labview2011. and I have installed the driver for my device.

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Message 5 of 6
Accepted by superhorst

I already said that your question has nothing to do with NI's Data Acquisition devices. That means DAQmx has nothing to do with it. You are NOT doing Data Acquisition as defined in the NI/LabVIEW world. On the main Instrument Driver Network page, you will see a section called 'Using Drivers'. The links under that explain how to use the driver you downloaded. The functions you will be dragging to to block diagram should be on the Instrument I/O palette, assuming you installed the driver correctly.

Message 6 of 6