Multifunction DAQ

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Impossible to test, check, calibrate DAQ board (PCI-6221) with MAX

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We have bought a DAQ board PCI-6221 and we installed it. However, it seems that the device is not recognized. First, it appears as a PXI system device while it's a PXI device. Then, I don't have access to "properties", "self-test" and "self-calibrate" menu. This issue should be related to the first one.


I tried to delete the driver and install it again but it didn't work, then I tried to update it but it is the last version. Is there a problem with the driver?


I checked with Labview if it was possible to use it but no device was found by the DAQ assistant. We have the NI Developer Suite 2009.


Thank you for your time



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Message 1 of 8

Hello Hinokitsune,


I'm Nishihara from NI Japan and thanks for the mail.


It seems to me you are doing right thing.

There are few things I need to confirm.


1. Did you install the Labview platform first and then device driver?

2. Have you tried to install the same device (PCI - 6221) on another PC or slot in another slot in the same computer?

    Do you have another device (similar or the same) to try to connect into the PC and make sure that MAX or the PC is working properly ?

If you have any question let us know!






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Message 2 of 8

Hello Nishihara,


thank you for your answer.


Yes I installed Labview platform (including NI-DAQmx) before the device driver. I tried to install the device in an other slot in the same PC but the result is the same. On the other hand I don't have any other PC on my experiment to test MAX or PC. I will check wheher I can find one or not...


I'm sorry but I made a mistake in my previous post: the board is a PCI device not a PXI, sorry.


Within Windows device manager, the device is well recognized. I really don't know where I did a mistake...


By the way, I have also another question, but I'm not sure if it's related or not to this issue.When I found that I couldn't use the device, I tried to create a new simulated device (PCI-6221) in order to test some features. But it did'nt work too 😞 Does it mean the install of NI-DAQmx is the problem for both?)




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Message 3 of 8

Hello Cedrc,


Thanks for quick reply.


I'm sorry for the device.

Well then, could you check the device manager in Windows to know whether the device is recognized by windows or not.

If the device is not recognized, the device might be broken.

And one thing, do you have other DAQ devices to check the driver is working well or not.




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Message 4 of 8



 I've already checked with Windows device manager and there is no problem: device is recognized and driver up to date.


And unfortunately, I don't have any other  DAQ device 😞


I'm still wondering which mistake I made...

First I didn't install NI-DAQmx as it was already installed with my Labview suite (I put the NI-DAQmx CD but the version was the same - 8.8 - and nothing needed to be installed).

I have:

- NI-DAQmw 8.8.0 with Labview 8.6, Labview RealTime, LabWindows/CVI, ANSI C and OPC/Variables  supports

- SignalExpress 3.0.0

- NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.5 with Labview 8.6 and LabWindows/CVI supports

Thus I installed the PCI Device and started Windows. A pop-up appeared signaling a new device was found and, following instructions, the driver was installed.

I did this many times (changing PCI slot, deleting driver...)



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Message 5 of 8



I'm so sorry for your problem.

I think you doing right things,,,

OK then, what about installing the newest DAQmx which is version 9.0!

You can download it from the site below


Please try this and let me know the result!

I'll try to find the reason why this issue happened.


See you soon.





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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author Hinokitsune



it works !!! Great !! Thank you very much for your help.


However, does this mean that DAQmx 8.8 has trouble with the device PCI-6221 ?? Or I made a big mistake during installation (but I followed the manual)....


 I even can create a simulated device too. Which I couldn't do before with MAX 4.5.


Thank you



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Message 7 of 8

Hello Cedric,


Oh that's great! I'm so happy that it works.

I don't think you did mistake during installation.

However, there is compatibility between DAQmx and PC and also antivirus software sometimes.

I'm sorry I don't know the exact reason about this issue,,,,,


Let us know whenever you have a trouble.

We'd happy to help you.





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Message 8 of 8