06-15-2018 07:47 AM
Hi all,
I have built a .VI to control the DAQmx PCIe6363. But when I am running it, getting an error with the code "Error- 200077 occurred at property node". The snap shoot of the same is attached files.
Can any one suggest to possible troubleshot to rectify the issue.
06-15-2018 09:06 AM
It would help quite a bit if you supplied you code. Otherwise we are just shooting in the dark.
But my wild guess is that you accidentally wired what you wanted to go to "Samples Per Channel" to "Sample Mode" on the DAQmx Timing VI.
06-15-2018 11:43 AM
Hello KNIGHT OF NI !!!
Thanks for your kind reply.
Find the attached block Prog. of the same.
P.S: Now I am testing Phase by Phase.