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LabView Locking up when I try to use NI9485 module. what's causing this?

I am in the process of setting up my cDAQ9172 to run with LabView.  I have four modules installed in the chassis, including the 9201, 9211, 9263, and 9485.  I can read/write to all of the modules except for the 9485.  This module causes an error message, which I have pasted below, then causes my software to lock-up.  Same thing happens when I try to test this module in Meausrement and Automation Explorer. 

I have upgraded to Windows 7 (32-bit) recently, after I installed LabView, so I wonder if this is causing the problem.


LabVIEW: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Function Node.  This might have corrupted LabVIEW’s memory.  Save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW.  VI “” was stopped at node “ “ at a call to “daqmxcfg_DAQmx Create DO Channel (sub).vi:2”

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Thanks for posting on the NI forums. I did not have a 9172 and a 9485 available at my desk, I can get one if I need to, but I was able to simulate the hardware within Measurement and Automation Explorer (MAX) and it did not give me any errors when I am running LabVIEW Examples. I am running on Windows 7 32-bit as well. Here are a couple things for you to try to see if we can narrow down the problem. 


1) Try simulating a 9485 in MAX and run your example program with the 9485 device. If you still get the same error this could either be a problem with your install of DAQmx or with your program. 


2) To figure out if this is a problem with the install of DAQmx I would recommend to try running a couple of the example programs that are designed for the 9485 device. You can open up the NI Example Finder (Help >> Find Examples) and try an example like 'Write Dig' or 'Write Dig' to see if those examples give you the same error.


3) When you simulate a device, if you do not get an error from the programs it is possible that there is something wrong with your 9485 device. I would recommend trying the device on a different computer (if possible a different OS than Windows 7) and see if you can run test-panels in MAX. If you get the same results as you did with your Windows 7 machine I think we can conclude that the device is damaged in one way or another. 


Let me know the results of the tests. Thanks!

Aaron W.
National Instruments
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