12-07-2017 05:48 PM
I need to switch 7-9 24V solenoid valves (between 0.2A and 0.8A draw each) at a short distance from the main PC, so I want to run just USB or just ethernet.
I am already going to use a USB Multifunction DAQ (USB-6008) for analog input to take sensor readings. It would be nice to use the TTL-signals from DIO of that card to switch industrial relays (DIN mountable), but the only products I could find were non-industrial relay boards with built in transistors, intended for Arduino/Raspberry Pi. So the solution I have is adding another USB DAQ with SSR outputs (USB-6525) and using that to drive the coils of industrial relays.
Is there a better way to do this? Are their industrial relays that take TTL-level input? Is there an NI card to handle all of this?
12-08-2017 06:30 AM
There are industrial SSR (solid state relays)with DIN rail mounting that can directly be controled by the 600x (5V 8mA)
EMG 17-OV-TTL/ 24DC/2
is one search result.
But using 8 of them might cost you more than going the NI 9472 plus chassis way and if you look for industrial solutions I would question a 600x 😉
12-08-2017 06:34 AM - edited 12-08-2017 07:00 AM
here is anotherone
and here the DRA1-MPDCD3 seems to fit
12-08-2017 10:25 AM